St Hugh’s Church
St Hugh’s Church
Coach Road, Baildon, BD17 5HS
St Hugh’s is both an active church and Community Centre. The Centre offers services to the whole of Baildon but particularly to the community in lower Baildon. Responding to the needs of all our residents, we offer church services, social, educational and hobby groups, community involvement, a food bank and exercise classes
St Hugh’s main church service of the week is on Sundays at 9.00am. This is a Holy Communion service with prayers, readings from the Old and New Testament, a Gospel reading, hymns, a sermon and the giving and receiving of Communion (bread and wine) or a blessing. Everybody is welcome.
On the fifth Sunday of the month the whole parish worship together at St John’s, St James’ or St Hugh’s at 10.00am on a rotational basis. Please see the diary section of our weekly pew sheets for venues and dates.
Weekday Service – We hold a Holy Communion service on Tuesdays at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome.
Community Centre
For a full range of our activities please see our dedicated website at: www.sthughs.org for more information or to contact us.
Food Bank
St Hugh’s food bank exists to help low-income families and individuals get by. We provide free 3-day food parcels for people and families who may not qualify for other government assistance programmes or who suddenly find themselves without money for food. All our food is donated by our church congregations and users of the St Hugh’s Community Centre. Anyone in need of assistance can call us on 07421 328187.
A weekly class runs every Friday morning in term time. An informal art group runs on Friday afternoons. For more information please consult St Hugh’s website www.sthughs.org
A friendly game of bingo with refreshments and a raffle runs weekly at St Hugh’s on Thursday evenings. Entry is 60p and raffle tickets are 50p. Just turn up – everybody welcome.
Creative Crafts
This group meets weekly on Wednesdays from 10.30am to 2.30pm to craft together and swap skills and tips. Each meeting costs £3.50 and members bring a packed lunch. Any ability is welcome.
Oasis Café
Every Wednesday between 9.00am and 11.00am our friendly café offers hot and cold drinks, toasted teacakes, snacks and good conversation. Prices are very reasonable. It’s a good place to meet new people and other local residents. Just turn up.
Room Hire
St Hugh’s has a large main hall and comfortable meeting room for hire. There is a modern, well-equipped kitchen available for hire too. The main hall costs £20 per hour and the meeting room is £11 per hour. A 25% discount is applied to regular users. Please see our Room Hire page for more details.
St Hugh’s Church and Community Centre
Coach Road, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD17 5HS